General conditions

All work activities and quotations relating to the transportation of goods are carried out or offered by Vriesveem Logistics BV in the capacity of a freight forwarder and never in the capacity of a transporter. These activities and quotations relating to the transportation of goods by road are carried out according to the latest version of the Dutch Forwarding Conditions of the Netherlands Association for Forwarding and Logistics (FENEX) which is filed with the registry of the district court of Amsterdam, Arnhem, Breda and Rotterdam. If desired, these conditions can be sent by us or downloaded from Vriesveem Logistics BV does not consider itself obliged to inform the customer of any possible updates to the Dutch Forwarding Conditions of the Netherlands Association for Forwarding and Logistics (FENEX).

All activities and quotations relating to the storage or transfer of goods under a controlled temperature are carried out according to the latest version of the General Conditions of the Association of Dutch Cold Storage and Freezing Warehouses (NEKOVRI). If desired, these conditions can be sent by us or downloaded from Vriesveem Logistics BV does not consider itself obliged to inform the client of any possible updates to the General Conditions of the Association of Dutch Cold Storage and Freezing Warehouses (NEKOVRI).

All activities and quotations relating to the storage or transfer of goods which do not have to take place under a controlled temperature or which do not use special insulation are carried out according to the latest version of the Dutch Warehousing Conditions (FENEX). If desired, these conditions can be sent to us or downloaded from Vriesveem Logistics BV does not consider itself obliged to inform the client of any possible updates to the Dutch Warehousing Conditions (FENEX).

All activities and quotations relating to services or logistical and transport activities other than those stated above and for which the FENEX and NEKOVRI conditions are not applicable are subject to the conditions which are applied in the branch of industry concerned and which are legally recognized in the Netherlands.

Claims made against this invoice and the corresponding activities are only dealt with if the addressee reacts in writing within 8 days of the date on the invoice.

Damage claims which may amount to more than 5% of the agreed transport costs and for which the client and/or the addressee hold/holds the transporter and/or the freight forwarder responsible are only dealt with if Vriesveem Logistics BV is informed by the addressee and/or the recipient and/or the client via the telephone and in writing immediately after or during the delivery of the goods concerned, so as to give all the parties involved the possibility to carry out an examination on site.

In the case of disagreements, the court of Breda, the Netherlands, will be the agreed court.

Payment conditions: within 30 days after date of invoice.

If the addressee exceeds the permitted payment period, Vriesveem Logistics BV maintains the right to immediately collect all outstanding amounts. All costs relating to the collection and the interest will be paid by the addressee.